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Numéro d'article ADI #:B RC1 Modèle #: RC 1 Nom: Alarmtech RC1 Compact Universal Relay Card with Alternating NC/ NO Relay Function, 10-30 V
Présentation du produit
Général Informations
The RC 1 is a very compact and universal relay card with alternating (NC/ NO) relay function. Connection of the relay is provided via screw terminal with wire protection. Control signal and supply is connected via 15cm cable. Transistor control of the relay means a very low control signal is required (1 mA). An activated relay is indicated via a LED. On the back of the device there is a self-adhesive pad for ease of installation.
Categorie : Batteries et alimentations, Disjoncteurs, fusibles et relais, Intrusion, Produits, Relais, Systèmes d'alimentation